Finally, take control of your finances.

Access to your financial information has never been easier, but getting ahead financially has never been harder.
Chunk is on a mission to change that.

Finally, take control of your finances.

Access to your financial information has never been easier, but getting ahead financially has never been harder.
Chunk is on a mission to change that.

What We Offer

Credit Utilization Tracking

Track your total credit utilization to keep your credit score strong.

Timely Financial Notifications

Alerts for your entire financial life – spending thresholds, overdraft charges, balance updates and much more.

Clean, Crisp Graphs and Charts

Beautiful visualizations of your spending to see the bigger picture.

Debt Paydown Simulation

Identify ways to minimize interest costs.

Key Insights about Spending

Pinpoint surprise subscription expenses, identify large transactions, and more.

Detailed Transaction View

Going back up to 2 years.

Credit Utilization Tracking

Track your total credit utilization to keep your credit score strong.

Timely Financial Notifications

Alerts for your entire financial life – spending thresholds, overdraft charges, balance updates and much more.

Clean, Crisp Graphs and Charts

Beautiful visualizations of your spending to see the bigger picture.

Debt Paydown Simulation

Identify ways to minimize interest costs.

Key Insights about Spending

Pinpoint surprise subscription expenses, identify large transactions, and more.

Detailed Transaction View

Going back up to 2 years.

Our Process

Wherever you are on your debt paydown journey, we believe in the following core steps to chunk away at your debt. The great news is that Chunk offers the tools you need to master each step and level up your financial life.


Stay Informed

Whether you have just one checking account or carry multiple credit cards, a mortgage, and investments, Chunk has you covered. We offer a birds-eye view of your finances with the ability to drill-down into areas of interest with intuitive, user-friendly tools.


Stay Informed

Whether you have just one checking account or carry multiple credit cards, a mortgage, and investments, Chunk has you covered. We offer a birds-eye view of your finances with the ability to drill-down into areas of interest with intuitive, user-friendly tools.


Manage Spending

Our tools help you wrap your arms around your spending. With tailored analytics, uncover insights about your expenses and build healthy habits to manage your activity.


Manage Spending

Our tools help you wrap your arms around your spending. With tailored analytics, uncover insights about your expenses and build healthy habits to manage your activity.


Chunk Away at Debt

Chunk empowers you to take control of your debt - from student loans to mortgages and everything in between. Our tools offer you a customized view to minimize interest costs and speed up your debt re-payment in bite sized chunks each month.


Chunk Away at Debt

Chunk empowers you to take control of your debt - from student loans to mortgages and everything in between. Our tools offer you a customized view to minimize interest costs and speed up your debt re-payment in bite sized chunks each month.


Build Savings

By closely tracking your spending-to-income ratio with our tools, you can easily see your savings contribution each month. Track all your assets, including savings, with our net worth calculator.


Build Savings

By closely tracking your spending-to-income ratio with our tools, you can easily see your savings contribution each month. Track all your assets, including savings, with our net worth calculator.


Achieve Financial Freedom

The road to financial independence can be long - but it is also highly rewarding. Our goal at Chunk is to help you begin or stay on that journey. By tackling each of the above steps, you can be well on your way to financial independence.


Achieve Financial Freedom

The road to financial independence can be long - but it is also highly rewarding. Our goal at Chunk is to help you begin or stay on that journey. By tackling each of the above steps, you can be well on your way to financial independence.

Your Data Security

We're serious about security. With multiple safety measures like 256-bit encryption and multi-factor authentication, we protect your information like it's our own.

Our Pricing

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Ready to start your journey to

financial freedom?

Ready to start your journey to

financial freedom?

Ready to start your journey to

financial freedom?

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